Chapel Trail to Chicken Point Hike, Sedona, Arizona

This hike was a beautiful, short hike that had views right from the parking lot. The hike is only 2 miles round trip and has views of the pretty, red walls Sedona is known for the whole time. I parked at the Chapel Trailhead and set off on Chapel Trail. West Twin Butte and East Twin Butte are right in front of you. The trail travels along the base of the butte towards the Christianity Spire. I saw a few other hikers and a handful of mountain bikers, but the trail felt pretty quiet which I was surprised by considering how pretty it was and that it really didn’t take a lot of effort to get there. When I got up to Chicken Point, I turned around and headed back to the car. I highly recommend this hike if you are looking for something short but still rewarding.

Total Stats: 2 miles, 375 vert.


Hiking Wilson Mountain, Red Rock Secret Mountain Wilderness, Sedona, Arizona


Boynton Canyon Hike, Red Rock Secret Mountain Wilderness, Sedona, Arizona