Hiking Wilson Mountain, Red Rock Secret Mountain Wilderness, Sedona, Arizona

One hike I had yet to do was to the highest point in Sedona - the top of Wilson Mountain. I parked at the Wilson Mountain Trailhead and set out from the car. You can see the top of your objective right from the parking lot and my first thought was that this hike was going to feel like a stair master. I wasn’t wrong. This trail has a lot of switchbacks and you are constantly ascending with very little relief on the way up. I did this hike in the afternoon on a weekday and only ran into a handful of people coming down, even though the parking lot was full. Perhaps people decide to hike a different trail when they see how high up Wilson Mountain seems from the trailhead. I made it up to the intersection with the trail from North Wilson Trailhead and turned left. 

The vegetation really started to change from this point on.  Up until this point, most of the hike had been exposed to the sun with only a few trees to block it at times. As I continued along past the intersection, I entered what felt a lot more like a forest with big trees. As I approached the last mile of the hike on the way up, the trees were some of the tallest I had seen in the area, and I startled two deer grazing in the meadow at the top of the mountain. Looking at the mountain from town, I never would have guessed there were beautiful meadows and an old growth forest at the top of this mountain. 

Eventually, I reached the viewpoint and found a comfortable rock to sit on and take in the view. It was one of my favorite viewpoints in Sedona and on that day I had it all to myself. I didn’t want to go back down but I knew I would be racing the sunset at that point so I was forced to begin my descent. I debated staying up there for the sunset as I’m sure it would have been unforgettable. The way down was steep and rocky, and I had to be careful with every step to avoid another sprained ankle. I made it back to the car just as dusk was setting in, and even though it was by a busy road, the sunset even from the car was memorable. This hike ended up being 10 miles and 2800 vert. It’s one I highly recommend for seasoned hikers.


Backpacking Trip in Red Rock Secret Mountain Wilderness, Sedona, Arizona


Chapel Trail to Chicken Point Hike, Sedona, Arizona