Hike to Lake Pass, Collegiate Peaks Wilderness, Taylor Park, Colorado

Views from Lake Pass

Mike and I were headed back home from Crested Butte and were looking to do a hike along the way. We planned on camping in Taylor Park the night before so we knew we would do a trail around there. I love the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness so it was an easy decision to do a hike in that Wilderness Area. 

We parked at the end of the road named Red Mountain Drive 742.3H. The first 2.2 miles of the hike would be on a trail that allows OHVs (off highway vehicles) before turning onto Red Mountain Creek Trail and entering the Wilderness. We got started early and didn’t see any motor bikes on our way in. Once we turned onto Red Mountain Creek Trail, the trail got much more faint. It was clear that this trail does not get a ton of use. We only saw one other hiker that day, supporting this theory. The first 1-2 miles on this trail had a very gentle incline. We came to a spot where we had to cross the creek where I am surprised we didn’t see a moose based upon the vegetation/habitat. After crossing the creek, the trail started getting steeper and our pace slowed significantly. 

Eventually, we hit tree line and the views opened up in all directions for us. Such a beautiful spot. We continued up to Lake Pass and passed thousands of blooming wildflowers along the way. They sure were putting on a show! Unsurprisingly, considering the name of the pass, there were several lakes at the top of the pass where we stopped to have a snack. After refueling, it was time to head back down the way we came. On the way down, Jenkins Mountain loomed in front of us and looked like it might be a fun scramble one day. We made good timing on the way down and quickly found ourselves back on the OHV trail. We only saw a few motor bikes on our way out. Overall, it was a fantastic day in a beautiful drainage that we had mostly to ourselves. I already can’t wait for my next adventure in the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness.

Total stats: 12.1 miles, 2350 vert.


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