The Portal Overlook Hike, Moab, Utah

Mike and I were looking to get another hike in before heading to Peru for a backpacking trip so we decided to do an out and back hike on the Portal Trail, a popular mountain biking trail known for a section with severe exposure (they ask you to dismount your bike and walk as people have died biking that section). We parked at a pullout along Highway 279 at the bottom of the Portal Trail in Moab. 

We started hiking up the trail and quickly found ourselves gaining elevation. We found great views of the Colorado River, the town of Moab, and the La Sal Mountains in the distance. The first 1.2 miles of the trail had no exposure. Once we came to a lookout point (this could also be a good turnaround point for those looking for a shorter hike), the trail turned left a bit and started traversing along a ledge. This first section was the most exposed of the hike and is the part where there are signs to dismount your bike. It was nerve-wracking enough to hike this section, I honestly couldn’t imagine biking it. If you are terribly afraid of heights, I’d probably advise picking a different hike. The trail meanders along the ledges for a mile or so. The trail is well maintained and established with no scrambling required. We stopped for a snack break and looked out over town. After 2.2 miles, we decided to turn around and head back the way we came. It was a great morning hike to do with a wide variety of views. 

Total stats: 4.4 miles, 1000 ft of elevation gain


Skiing Snoopy’s Backside Couloir, The Citadel, Bakersville, Colorado


Upheaval Dome Overlook Hike, Canyonlands National Park, Utah