Teller Mountain & Radical Hill Trail Run, Montezuma, Colorado

I was having a busy day at work and decided that I needed to go for a trail run after work to clear my mind. I had never checked out Webster Pass Road in Montezuma so I decided to do a loop around Teller Mountain and Radical Hill. This run began on Webster Pass Road but then turned on the Radical Jeep Road that goes up and over Teller Mountain. I then took the Radical Jeep Road down towards Deer Creek and ran back to the trailhead where I had parked my car that was at the beginning of Deer Creek Road. 

This run was exactly what I needed that day. While all on a bumpy dirt road what was pretty gnarly in spots, it took me through some of the prettiest scenery you can find in Summit County. I ended up catching up to and passing two Jeeps that were on the Radical Jeep Road, and I beat them back to the trailhead so I can say I ran faster than a car on this run! I would have said the views towards Webster Pass were my favorite part of this run if it weren’t for the “locals” I met at the top of Teller Mountain. I made sure to give them a lot of space, but you can see what kind of locals I’m talking about in my pictures and videos in this post. I ran this loop, but it would also make a fantastic hike if you are content with hiking on dirt roads and also fine with seeing a few cars along the way. 

Stats: 8.6 miles, 2000 vert


Backpacking in the Wind River Range (Cirque of the Towers), Pinedale, Wyoming


Hike to Mica Lake, Mount Zirkel Wilderness, Clark, Colorado